Health and Social Care Awards 2022

We are pleased to announce that Sophie House has been nominated as a finalist in the Health and Social Care Awards, for the ‘Best Place to Work’ Award.

As you can imagine the management and staff at Sophie House are thrilled to have been nominated for this award, and it has given a well deserved boost following the difficult few years we have had with Covid. It’s so lovely to know that staff feel this way about working at Sophie House.

The awards ceremony will take place on the 19th October, so Nicky, Laura and 8 other members of staff will be getting their glad rags on and attending with their fingers crossed for an award!

Wish us luck!!


Martha House residents had a lovely visit to see and feed a member of staff’s horses. Thank you Jo for letting us visit your beautiful horses

Advent Spiral

On Thursday evening the staff and residents of Sophie House took part in the Advent Spiral - It symbolizes finding light in the darkness.


Advent is not just one moment, it is a period of time. It is the few weeks before Christmas,  advent is a time of quiet preparation as we go into the darkest days of the year. The shortest day (in the northern hemisphere) is close to Christmas day, so by the time we celebrate Christmas we have reached a turning point and the days begin to lengthen again, the daylight increasing and nature will begin very slowly to reawaken.


This is something we have done for a few years and it offers a time of reflection and remembrance of those who are unable to be with us, as we begin to celebrate Christmas.


As we were lighting the candles, we sang traditional carols. We are all now feeling very festive!

Compliments from family members:

Personally, I would rate Martha House as outstanding.


My visits to Martha to see my sister have always left me feeling extremely reassured and confident about the care she is receiving.  Every member of staff I come into contact with is always polite and engaging to both her and myself.


It is without doubt that my sister has blossomed into a much more confident and contented lady since moving to Martha.


I’m sure that if she could express her views in writing she, like me, would like to thank you all for all your hard work and tell you how much it’s appreciated.

Amazon Smile now supports Martha Trust

We’re delighted to announce that Amazon Smile now benefits the trust. It couldn’t be easier - simply click the logo below and select the Martha Trust as your designated charity. We then benefit from everything you then purchase. Please spread the word so we can really feel the benefit. Now that really is a ‘win, win’.

VE Day 2020

The staff and residents at Sophie House have been busy creating bunting and posters to commemorate VE day.


Remember remember the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot! The residents, staff and families enjoyed watching the fireworks before warming up with homemade pumpkin soup, hot dogs and cake. Thank you to for their kind donations of the hot dogs

Harvest festival

The residents and staff from both homes enjoyed their involvement in the harvest sensory festival. The staff and residents prepared vegetable soup using some vegetables that had been grown in the gardens at both homes, and also apple crumble from apples grown in the garden at Sophie House. The residents also helped to shape bread rolls. Whilst the soup, bread rolls and apple crumble were cooking the residents and staff enjoyed exploring different senses through touch, smell, sight and sounds. Just before lunch the residents and staff enjoyed some wheelchair dancing and sung some harvest songs. The residents and staff then enjoyed eating the soup, bread rolls and apple crumble and custard for lunch.

Family fun day 6th September 2019

All residents and their families, along with staff, thoroughly enjoyed themselves playing games spread around the gardens of Martha House. Thank you again to the Hereford Lions Club for their generous donation of a chef, helpers, bbq and food.

Sensival 2019

Both homes came together at Sophie House to participate in Sensival. The theme this year was “Alice in Wonderland”. The residents, staff and parents had a wonderful day. Everyone dressed up as characters and all the activities were linked to parts of the story.

The activities were both inside and outside of the home. The day started with a scavenger hunt where clues were followed and items collected to decorate mad hatter hats. There were various stations to test the senses – essential oils to smell, music from a live band to listen to, lots of yummy food to taste, to name a few.

The residents and staff had the opportunity to play croquet and giant chess in the gardens. The residents and staff rounded off the day with a maypole dance.