On the 10th October we held our annual Sophie House Remembrance Day and our Harvest Celebration. This is something we do annually, usually on the 1st October, to celebrate the opening of Sophie House, and to remember everyone that has been part of the journey. We remember residents who are no longer with us – because they have moved away, can no longer attend Sophie House for care, or because they have sadly passed away.
This year also marked Sophie House’s 10th Birthday. There have been many changes and many faces that have been part of the last 10 years, and have made Sophie House what it is today.
To remember residents we painted pebbles, wrote down memories and tied them to our trees, as well as remembrance ribbons. Each resident participated and placed their pebble under the trees, as well as a pebble to remember a friend who recently passed away. It was a time to think, reflect, laugh and smile about the last 10 years.
We then planted a tree that we have received as part of the ‘Queens Green Canopy’, to celebrate the jubilee. The tree is planted on the grass area by the swing, and it will be marked with a plaque. The tree will also be marked on a map of all the trees planted for the Queens Green Canopy.
Residents made soup, bread and apple crumble which was a delicious lunch!
The afternoon was finished off with some music, dancing, tea and cake. A lovely time was had by all.”